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The Parents Portal provides all the details of the parents and link between the parents and the students.

How to View the Parents Details?
Move the mouse over the Modules section and select Manage Parents as shown.

The following page is displayed

ting/Re-inviting the Parent

This option allows the administrators to invite a new parent to access the portal or re-invite a parent.

To invite/re-invite through email

Click the icon above corresponding to the parent to be invited/re-invited using an email.

To invite/re-invite through SMS

Click the icon above corresponding to the parent to be invited/re-invited through SMS.

Note: To invite a student for the first time, the username and the login credentials have to be created first.

Bulk Invites

To send invites to all the students in the list in a single instance, click the Select All link and click Submit button.

To send invites/re-invites only to selected parents, select the checkbox of the required parents and click Submit.

How to Modify the Parents-Students Link?

Go to Modules > Manage Parents > Parents-Students tab. The following page is displayed

Click edit icon (below) to modify the link. The following window is displayed.

To remove the current student assigned as the child, click Remove as a Child.
To add a child, click Add as a Child corresponding to the student to be added.
To modify the student profile, click the name of the student in the Parents-Students tab. The following page is displayed.

Click Edit Profile to update the student details

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